Childbirth Education

Birth should be your greatest accomplishment, not your biggest fear.

Good childbirth education will give you a solid foundation for a great birth.

I teach group childbirth education classes in Poulsbo with Birthing Families. 
Our series is a weekend immersion taught over two consecutive Sundays.

Some of the topics we cover include: the process of labor, coping strategies, comfort measures, birth plans, unexpected outcomes, breastfeeding, postpartum mom and baby, and breastfeeding. These classes are tailored to meet your needs.

This class costs $300.00 and includes many handouts, continental breakfast, snacks, movies and 25 combined years worth of childbirth education teaching experience.

Private Classes

I also teach in-home private childbirth education classes. My class is 10-12 hours long and costs $400.00. Classes are held at your home during times that meet your needs.

Drawing on my 15 years of teaching experience, my yoga practice, mindfulness practice, the birth of my own children and the births I have attended as a Doula, I have created a holistic childbirth education series. I am certified through ALACE.

Classes are modeled after the Waldorf philosophy of informing the whole person: The Head or intellect, the Heart or emotional/spiritual, and the Hands or the physical. Combined with mindfulness practice couples are gently guided to discover their strengths and spaces for learning. Pregnancy, childbirth and parenting like no other time in our life clearly demands the attention of our whole selves.

For information on private classes call me at 360.536.5126 or send an email.